From the experience and professionalism of D&D Electric over ten years on the national field and from the meeting with the company EMIL GAS srl, born EMIL POWER srl.
EMIL POWER srl is specialized in installation, maintenance and assistance for civil and industrial electrical systems, renewable energy, photovoltaic, cogeneration and trigeneration.
Strong of experience and thanks to the solid reality built over the years EMIL POWER srl is able to offer a 360-degree service to its customers. We range from design to installation of plants, to the testing phase but also ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems and co-trigeneration systems ensuring timeliness in interventions.
Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision...
Paolo Grisendi
Andrea Buffagni
Executive Director
Giancarlo Dallacasa
Technical Manager
Keep in touch...
Informazioni di contatto
EMIL POWER srl via M. Olivari 20/A, 41049 Sassuolo (MO) Italy Codice Fiscale / Partita IVA IT 03718610367 Tel. +39.0536.811220 | Fax +39.0536.806518 Iscrizione CCIAA n. 411856 E-mail
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